Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Bear One Another's Burdens Galatians 6:2 Part IV

2 Corin. 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.  Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except you be reprobates?

Ladies take some time to examine yourself in the midst of your burden.

Self-examination time: 

1)    Do you trust God with all your heart? 
2)    Do you lean on his understanding?   
3)    Do you lean on your understanding?
4)    Do you acknowledge him in all your ways? 
5)    Do you allow him to direct your paths?

Didn’t we witness this scripture fulfilled in the lives of Naomi and Ruth?  It is also fulfilled in our lives, when we take up our cross to bear the burdens of our sisters.

Self-Examination Time:
Are you helping someone bear their burdens?
Are you leading that person to Christ?

Naomi did not fully recognize the blessing of having Ruth help bear her burden.  Originally, she wanted Ruth to return to her mother. It seemed to Naomi, like the normal logical loving reasonable thing for Ruth to do: go home, date a young man, marry, have children.  Instead God had a better plan, Ruth sacrificed her life to bear Naomi’s burden of widowhood in her old age, becoming her financial provider, and trusting Naomi’s God: that’s Ruth’s Cross as a burden bearer.  This is burden that Ruth carried, which was her own vow in 1:16-17. Later, it became clearly evident to Naomi the sacrifice that Ruth made.  (Sometimes we don’t see what we do have, we can’t see beyond the current problem or situation. We don’t see the problem solver, we see the problem and our current circumstance.) Once, Naomi’s eyes were opened, she was very appreciative.  Then realization of the sacrifice that Ruth made with her life helped Naomi to pick up her cross and carry Ruth’s burden in a different light.   
Together they carried each other’s burden of widowhood. (Feelings of loneliness, despair, abandonment, rejection, unfairness, helplessness, hopelessness, anger, loss, etc.)

Ro. 12:1:  We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  We are to sacrifice our lives for others just as Jesus sacrificed his life for us, bearing our burdens.  When we do this we fulfill the Law of Christ. 

We do not live our lives unto ourselves, the word teaches us: 

But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? (Natural things, spiritual, financial)

Fill in the blanks below with scriptures:
Jesus said, many will come saying, Lord, I prophesied in thy name, laid hands on the sick and they did recover…_______, but he will say depart from me ye worker of iniquity for I never knew you.  Why?  Because when you didn’t do it to the least of these little ones, you didn’t do it unto me.  Oh, we got to pick up our cross and bear some burdens, just like Jesus did.

How are people going to know we are Christ disciples?  By having love one for another. _______  Love is an action. 

When you are burdened, I know you want someone to be there for you, someone to show you love. The scripture tells us, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” ________

Remember, Jesus was made perfect by the things that he suffered.________

We are perfected through our sufferings. 

Jesus said we shall suffer persecutions in this present world. _______  Remember, how Job suffered and  Joseph suffered.

Paul said these present suffering are not worthy to be compared with the glory…______

We are to look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. __________

Jesus suffered and he submitted himself to who judgeth righteously._______

His ways are not our ways , his thoughts are not our thoughts. ______

God set it up, we have a comforter, which is the Holy Ghost.  _______ We have a redeemer, like Boaz.  Jesus is our redeemer and he said, come unto me all ye that labor…..  I will give you rest. _____  you can have joy in the midst of sorrow, you can have peace that surpasses all understanding.  Because of where you put your trust: In your redeemer that lives, the greatest burden bear.
Now Naomi sees an opportunity to secure Ruth’s future, the daughter-in-law that had been so good to her, sacrificing her life for her. Naomi is taking up her cross, and decides to help Ruth get a husband, not any husband, but the best: Boaz. In chapter 2:20 Gives glory to God.  Her faith is ignited.  Read. Chapter 2:20, 3:1 Naomi will not be satisfied until Ruth can rest.  She gives Ruth instructions, on how to get Boaz, which is actually a marriage proposal.   Ruth follows her instructions completely.


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In the next lesson, we’ll continue to study the “Bear One Another's Burdens” You will be given a bible study guide to complete. 

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