Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bear One Another's Burdens Galatians 6:2 Part I





 Galatians 6:2  Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Gal. 6:2 KJV
Gal. 6:2 NIV
Gal. 6:2 NIRV
Gal.6:2 NABRE
 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
 Carry each other’s heavy loads. If you do, you will give the law of Christ its full meaning.
  Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.

In this context, burden refers to the fault in verse one, but it also applies to other burdens.  The Law of Christ summarizes all of Jesus’ teachings which is Christianity.

Burdenbaros denotes “a weight” anything pressing on one’s physical or that makes a demand on one’s resources, whether material, spiritual, or religious (Acts 15:28).

A weight weighs heavy on our hearts when we are burdened. 

There is also a light burden:  Christ burden is light which is phortion.

Sacrifice:  (thusia) primarily denotes “the act of offering”, then objective, “that which is offered.  (of Christ , in His “sacrifice” on the cross) Eph. 5:2, Heb. 9:23

-The body (life) of the believer, presented to God as a living “sacrifice” Ro.12:1 ***

-of faith, Phil 2:17

-Of material assistance rendered to servants of God, Phil 4:18

-Of praise Heb. 13:15

- of spiritual “sacrifices” in general offered by believers as a holy priesthood, I Peter 2:5

- of doing good to others and communicating with their needs, Heb. 13:16***

Redeem:   exagorazo,  a strengthen form of agorazo, “to buy” 1) denotes “to buy out” especially of purchasing a slave with a view to his freedom.  Metaphorically in Gal. 3:13; 4:5, of the deliverance by Christ of Christian Jews from the Law and its curse. 

To summarize Chapter 6 of Galatians:  The gospel applies to every area of our daily living.  (Please read Galatians 6 at home)  

Today, we are going to look at our responsibility of “Bearing One Another’s Burdens” as Christian Women and taking up our cross. 

One of the main examples I’ll use in scripture is the life of Naomi and Ruth found in the Book of Ruth, showing how Naomi bore Ruth’s burden and Ruth bore Naomi’s burden and how they both took up their cross. 
Your assignment for this week is to Read Galatians 6.

Please remember, if you do not receive an email about the Bible Study Blog, the new blog post is posted on each Tuesday during the Study.

In the next two lessons, we’ll continue to study the “Restoring in the Spirit of Meekness” You will be given a bible study guide to complete. 

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