Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bear One Another's Burdens Galatians 6:2 Part II

An Introduction to the Book of Ruth is as follows:   

During the days when the judges ruled, famine was in the land.  To provide for his family, Elimelech moved to the country of Moab with his wife Naomi and their two sons; they were Ephrathites of Beth-lehem-judah.   Then, Elimelech, Naomi’s husband died. So the two sons married women of Moab, one named Orpah and the other named Ruth.  They lived there about ten years.  Suddenly Mahlon and Chilion died.  Now Naomi and her two daughters-in-law were all widows with no children.

Naomi decided she should return to her country: Judah.  She had no husband, no sons, no hope for her future nor for her daughters-in-laws future.  They had been very kind to her.   Naomi knew she would not bare any more sons for her daughters-in-law to marry according to the customs/laws. 

Naomi advised them to go back to their mother’s house and prayed that God would show kindness to them as they had shown to her and that he would bless them to meet a new husband so they could rest.  They all cried and kissed each other, hugging each other, not wanting to leave each other.  Naomi was grieved for her daughters-in-law, she felt like God was against her.  So she convinced Orpah, to go back to her Mother, however, she was not able to persuade Ruth. 

Instead, Ruth made a vow to Naomi, to go with her wherever, live with her where ever, and Naomi’s people and God would be hers.  She took it upon herself to bear Naomi’s burden.

They arrived in Beth-lehem in the beginning of barley harvest and everyone welcomes them. However, Naomi tells everyone how bitterly God has dealt with her and his hand is against her.  Ruth the Moabitess goes out to work in Boaz field to support her and Naomi.  Boaz shows Ruth favor and offers her protection while she works.

As Naomi carries Ruths burden of being a young single woman, knowing the laws of land, she decides to teach Ruth how to get a good husband, the best: Boaz.  She gives Ruth specific instructions, which is a marriage proposal.  Ruth obeys her instructions. (The older women are to teach the younger women.)

Boaz being a just man of God, follows the letter of the law, and now carries the Burden of these two women.   Ultimately he married Ruth, redeemed Naomi’s land and had a son. 

As women, we face many issues in life.  Just as Naomi, Ruth and Orpah, found themselves widowed, without financial security, feelings of loneliness, anger, rejection and feeling abandoned by God, etc.  We experience many of the same feelings when we carry our burdens.

Here are a few concerns/burdens women face/carry:

  • Martial Concerns for married women and single women
  • Health issues
  • Providing care for aging parents
  • Divorce
  • Widowhood
  • Death
  • Abuse* (mental, physical, emotional)
  • Raising godly children in this society
  • Workplace environment promotion and conflict
  • Single and married women issues of purity
  • Salvation of love ones
  • Relationships
    • Family: siblings, husband, children, cousins, aunts, uncles
    • Friends
    • Co-workers
    • Professional Relationships
    • Church Family Relationship
    • Broken Relationships

(These are just a few burdens that women carry, and everyone looks to us to make everything all right
(This is taken from a Women's Ministry Meeting, but it is also good for Men to Study this Word. God's word is for both male and female, young and old.)

My sisters in Christ, Let’s learn how to bear one another’s burden:

As you walk with your sister bearing her burden, you must first be an example, just as Christ was an example to us, an example of the Word.  Always pointing your sister to Christ, not to your:

  • Personal opinions
  • What you think
  • How you feel
  • What you would do

Remember, we are witnesses of Jesus Christ and we are also soul winners.  In every area and aspect of our life, God seeks to get the glory.  It’s never about us; you always point your sister to Christ in the midst of her crises.

He’s our:

Burden barrier                     

Our advocate                 

Our way maker               
Our comforter
Our provider   
Our deliverer 
Our counselor 
Our healer  
 In whatever you go through or are going through, go to the Lord first.  If you are bearing someone  else's burden lead that person to Christ.  He has all the answers.                   

Please remember, if you do not receive an email about the Bible Study Blog, the new blog post is posted on each Tuesday during the Study.

In the  lesson, we’ll continue to study the “Bear One Another's Burdens” You will be given a bible study guide to complete. 

 Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bear One Another's Burdens Galatians 6:2 Part I





 Galatians 6:2  Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Gal. 6:2 KJV
Gal. 6:2 NIV
Gal. 6:2 NIRV
Gal.6:2 NABRE
 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
 Carry each other’s heavy loads. If you do, you will give the law of Christ its full meaning.
  Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.

In this context, burden refers to the fault in verse one, but it also applies to other burdens.  The Law of Christ summarizes all of Jesus’ teachings which is Christianity.

Burdenbaros denotes “a weight” anything pressing on one’s physical or that makes a demand on one’s resources, whether material, spiritual, or religious (Acts 15:28).

A weight weighs heavy on our hearts when we are burdened. 

There is also a light burden:  Christ burden is light which is phortion.

Sacrifice:  (thusia) primarily denotes “the act of offering”, then objective, “that which is offered.  (of Christ , in His “sacrifice” on the cross) Eph. 5:2, Heb. 9:23

-The body (life) of the believer, presented to God as a living “sacrifice” Ro.12:1 ***

-of faith, Phil 2:17

-Of material assistance rendered to servants of God, Phil 4:18

-Of praise Heb. 13:15

- of spiritual “sacrifices” in general offered by believers as a holy priesthood, I Peter 2:5

- of doing good to others and communicating with their needs, Heb. 13:16***

Redeem:   exagorazo,  a strengthen form of agorazo, “to buy” 1) denotes “to buy out” especially of purchasing a slave with a view to his freedom.  Metaphorically in Gal. 3:13; 4:5, of the deliverance by Christ of Christian Jews from the Law and its curse. 

To summarize Chapter 6 of Galatians:  The gospel applies to every area of our daily living.  (Please read Galatians 6 at home)  

Today, we are going to look at our responsibility of “Bearing One Another’s Burdens” as Christian Women and taking up our cross. 

One of the main examples I’ll use in scripture is the life of Naomi and Ruth found in the Book of Ruth, showing how Naomi bore Ruth’s burden and Ruth bore Naomi’s burden and how they both took up their cross. 
Your assignment for this week is to Read Galatians 6.

Please remember, if you do not receive an email about the Bible Study Blog, the new blog post is posted on each Tuesday during the Study.

In the next two lessons, we’ll continue to study the “Restoring in the Spirit of Meekness” You will be given a bible study guide to complete. 

Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the

Contact Evangelist Waters:
Follow my Bible Study Blog: 
Follow the Weekly Prayer Blog:

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Restore in the Spirit of Meekness Study Guide Part III

Restore in the Spirit of Meekness Study Guide Part III




Let’s finalize our study on Restore in the Spirit of Meekness:


 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. (We are following the Holy Spirit, which is Christ.)

2 Tim. 2:24-26  And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men,

Define the terms:

·       Strive:


·       Gentle:


·       All:


·       apt to teach:


·       patient:


 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.


·       Repentance:

·       Truth:

·       Snare:

·       Recover:

·       Captive:


I pray this bible study outline has been a blessing to your study time. May God bless you as you continue to grow in Christ by the transformation of the renewing of your mind.

Evangelist Waters




Now, that you have studied Galatians 6:1, what areas do you need deliverance?


Write your prayer to the Lord:


I pray this bible study has been a blessing to you and you will restore in the Spirit of Meekness.



Please remember, if you do not receive an email about the Bible Study Blog, the new blog post is posted on each Tuesday during the Study.


In our next lesson, we’ll study verse 2 of Galatians 6 “Bear one another’s Burdens”. 


Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the



Contact Evangelist Waters:

Follow my Bible Study Blog: 

Follow the Weekly Prayer Blog: