Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Introduction to Galatians 6:1-2 (KJV) Bible Study

Welcome to Galatians 6:1-2 (KJV) two-Part Bible Study entitled:

1.     Restore in the Spirit of Meekness Considering Thyself - Galatians 6:1

2.     Bear One Another's Burdens - Galatians 6:2

Galatians is an Epistle of Paul the Apostle.  Paul and his missionary team started the Church of Galatia (North) during his second missionary journey.  Since Paul had led the Galatians to Christ they had a good start to their new Christian life.  Later some Jewish teachers called Judaizers, who rejected salvation and belief in Christ, started teaching that they must obey the Mosaic Law: circumcision, which hindered their obedience to the gospel. 

Paul had to expose the error of the Judaizers' gospel and their impure motives.  He encouraged the Galatians to retain their spiritual freedom in Christ.  The central theme for the Book of Galatians is, "justification by God's grace through faith".  Paul defends the gospel of salvation of Christ: A man is justified (saved) not by keeping the law, but by God's grace through the atonement of Christ death.  Then Paul preaches about the various areas of daily living, which we will study two verses of scripture in this study: Galatians 6:1-2.

This study has been written from two teachings delivered to a church in Austin, Texas under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, by Evangelist Waters.  May this study bless you as much as it blessed the listeners who attended the live teachings. 


  • Read the Book of Galatians, focus on Chapter 6:1-2
  • Read the Book of Ruth
  • Study other scriptures in this Bible Study
  • This online bible study has been written in small segments to help you study, learn, and mediate on the scriptures, as you apply them to your life.  This is a Two-Part Study.
  • Galatians 6:1 Study  begins  on Tuesday,  October 6, 2015 on "Restore in the Spirit of Meekness Considering Thyself".
  • Continuing our online Bible Study:
  • The second part of this study begins:
    Tuesday, November 17, 2015 on Galatians 6:2, "Bear One Another's Burdens".
              Christians are to live by the power of the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost, he is our comforter who will lead and guide us into all TRUTH.  When you are spiritual, you walk according to the guidance of the Spirit.  Mature Christians can help a brother or sister who is overtaken in a fault, by being led by the Spirit of God and we can learn how to bear one another's burdens fulfilling the Law of Christ.  Jesus is our perfect example of Galatians 6:1-2. 
    Please remember if you do not receive an email reminder, the new post for the bible study will be posted each Tuesday until the Bible Study is complete. 
    Be blessed in your study as you apply the Word of God to your Life. 
    Evangelist Waters
    An Ordained Minister of Jesus Christ
         Teacher of the Word of God
    Isaiah 58:1; Matthew28:18-20
    Our Next Bible Study Topic and Date:
    Begins: October 6, 2015
    Galatians 6:1-2
    Two-Part Series
    Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conferences, women’s ministry, special programs, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters through  www.puregoldevangelisticministries.com website on the contact page.
    Contact Evangelist Waters:

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